Self Assessment for Yoga Levels


Your level of experience with yoga


Your ability to perform basic, intermediate, and advanced poses


Your ability to move through sequences with ease


Your comfort level with inversions and arm balances


Your level of experience with yoga


Your ability to perform basic, intermediate, and advanced poses


Your ability to move through sequences with ease


Your comfort level with inversions and arm balances

Mind . Body . Soul

Physical Ability

Take note of your flexibility, strength, balance, and endurance. Are there any limitations or areas for improvement?

Breath Awareness

Observe your breath during practice. Are you breathing smoothly and deeply? Are you holding your breath or breathing unevenly?

Focus and Concentration

Notice your ability to stay present and focused during practice. Are you easily distracted or able to maintain concentration throughout the practice?

Mind-Body Connection

Pay attention to the connection between your mind and body. Are you able to move with intention and awareness, or are you disconnected from your body?

Emotional State

Observe your emotional state before, during, and after practice. Has your mood improved? Are you feeling more relaxed or energized?

Overall Sense of Well-Being

Consider your overall sense of well-being after practicing yoga. Are you feeling more centered, grounded, and at ease?

1. You are new to yoga and have limited experience with the practice.

2. You may have difficulty with certain poses or sequences.

3. You are not yet comfortable with more advanced poses.

1. You have been practicing yoga for a while and are comfortable with basic poses.

2. You are able to move through sequences with ease and can perform some intermediate-level poses..

3.You have developed a regular yoga practice.

1. You have a strong, consistent yoga practice and have been practicing for several years.

2. You are able to perform advanced poses and sequences with ease.

3. You are comfortable with inversions and arm balances.

"These levels are not fixed, your practice is determined by your own self-awareness, goals, and willingness to grow and learn."